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Student Stories

See what some of our current and former students have said about their experience with the School of Transformation.

"This course was a huge eye opening experience for me. I really do not have the words to explain the freedom that I feel. I learned so much, most of all just how much God loves me!"

Student Testimonials

"The most transformation I have received over the course of this class was in the area of hearing God's voice. This has always been a struggle for me in the past. There was always so much hesitancy around if it was actually God or if it was me speaking. Over the past few weeks the clarity in which I am hearing God is 10x better than before!"

Transformational and Inspirational! A blessed time of inner healing for the student and being equipped with the tools to help others find their inner healing. We learned the importance of inner healing, delved deeper into our relationship with Jesus, and gained further understanding about the ways of God. With the wholeness that comes from being inwardly healed, we will be more effective at helping others.

This course was great! I love how passionate you guys were about what you taught on and how God is so real in your lives. This course helped me get a better understanding of how to study the Bible. Not just by the materials that are available but on how to incorporate the Holy Spirit in my studying. I now have a greater hunger to seek and study the word.

The impact of this course has affected many areas of my life. Through course and testimonies of the instructors, I felt encouraged and empowered to interact with the Word of God through the Holy Spirit.

“I feel like a veil has been lifted. I have experienced a greater depth of intimacy and freedom in knowing that I hear God and that he has given me giftings and is with me. I sense his presence at a greater depth and with much greater ease than ever before.”

This course showed me how important it is to have a relationship with Jesus, also the benefits of enriching my life and relationship with Him.

The instructors do an excellent job of teaching on prophecy, dreams, and listening to the voice God. I was challenged to really treasure dreams as ways God tries to communicate with me.

There has been a shift through this course in my heart and life. I am not sure when it happened, but I am enjoying the presence of the Holy Spirit in such sweet ways. All I have to do is say his name and I feel him with me. The few minutes a day spent just receiving from him was huge. I think I am really starting to grasp the idea that I don't have to strive to get something from God. He is just here with me all the time simply because He wants to be, he loves me, and he is here to lead me and teach me.

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